Candidate Name:
{{ $assessment->assessee_name }}
{{ $assessment->hiring_organization }}
{{ date('m/d/Y', strtotime($assessment->date_end_assessment)) }}

Administered by


© 2021 Dynamic Results. All rights reserved. This document is protected under U.S. Copyright law. The assessment information is intended for exclusive use as a baseline for a development plan. It is not to be used for hiring decisions. Dynamic Results assumes no responsibility for decisions that are made as a result of the information contained within.

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Legal Disclaimer and Overview

This assessment tool is designed to assist in the development of executives and should not be used for hiring decisions. Dynamic Results is not responsible for any decisions made or conclusions reached by the Client as a result of the information contained in this report.

Dynamic Results is in the business of assessing and developing Organizations, Teams and the Individual People who lead them. This assessment tool gives us deep insight into the way the Assessee is likely to:

    a. Be perceived by others
    b. Think and process when making decisions
    c. Approach their work

Knowledge is Power

Through an understanding of these tendencies and perceptions, Dynamic Results can work with the Assessee and the Organization to create and coach the Assessee through a one-year development plan. This development plan will be focused on the Assessee leveraging their strengths and having methods to improve in some identified areas for development. The goal of our one-on-one development program is to create:

    a. Faster acculturation (if new in role)
    b. Stronger decision-making
    c. Clear communication
    d. More effective team building
    e. Enhanced business results

Thank you for trusting us as your development partner and thank you for choosing the Leadership EdgeTM product.

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Explanation of the Leadership EdgeTM Assessment Dimensions

@foreach($dimensions as $dimension)
{{ $dimension->name }}

{{ App\Models\Assessment::getDimensionDescriptions($dimension->name) }}

@foreach($competenceDescriptors['competence'][$dimension->id] as $competenceId => $competence) @endforeach
{{ str_replace('/', ' / ', $competence) }} {{ App\Models\Competence::getAllExplanation($competenceId) ?? '' }}

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Candidate: {{ $assessment->assessee_name }}
Organization: {{ $assessment->hiring_organization }}
Date: {{ date('m/d/Y', strtotime($assessment->date_end_assessment)) }}
Assessor: {{ $assessor->first_name ?? '' }} {{ $assessor->last_name ?? '' }}

Summary of Key Findings

{{ $dimensionDescriptorAnswers[0] ?? '' }}

@foreach($dimensions as $dimension)
{{ $dimension->name }} {{ App\Models\Assessment::getDimensionDescriptions($dimension->name) }}
Dimension Score: {{ $clasterManager['claster_score'][$dimension->id]['score'] }} of 7
{{ number_format($clasterManager['claster_score'][$dimension->id]['score'], 1) }}

{{ $dimensionDescriptorAnswers[$dimension->id] ?? '' }}

@foreach($clasterManager['claster_data'][$dimension->id] as $competency) @endforeach
{{ str_replace('/', ' / ', $competency['competence_name']) }} @if($competency['color'] === 'red')
@if($competency['color'] === 'yellow')
@if($competency['color'] === 'green')

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Explanation of the Leadership EdgeTM Assessment Dimensions

@foreach($dimensions as $dimension)
{{ $dimension->name }}

{{ App\Models\Assessment::getDimensionDescriptions($dimension->name) }}

@foreach($competenceDescriptors['competence'][$dimension->id] as $competenceId => $competence) @endforeach
{{ str_replace('/', ' / ', $competence) }} {{ array_key_exists($competenceId, $competenceDescriptorAnswers) && array_key_exists($competenceDescriptorAnswers[$competenceId], $competenceDescriptors['descriptor'][$dimension->id][$competenceId]) ? $competenceDescriptors['descriptor'][$dimension->id][$competenceId][$competenceDescriptorAnswers[$competenceId]] : '' }}

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The Leadership Edge TM assessment is adminstered by:


Please contact us for more information on:

  • • Additional Leadership EdgeTM
  • • Executive coaching
  • • Strategy formation and execution
  • • Creating accountable cultures
  • • Emotional Intelligence assessment and development
  • • Organizational Assessments and Development for both operations and cultures
  • • Cross cultural collaboration

U.S. 214-742-1403, x102
